An Illegitimate Government


Is it really necessary that the current “structural and conceptual changes” of the agencies of central state administration should prevent the constitutional installation of the government of the Republic?

Raúl Castro, in his speech at the opening session of the Seventh Legislature of the National Assembly on 24 February 2008, asked that parliament postpone the presentation of the new government. The proposals of the President of the State Council were unanimously approved in parliament.

He asked for a full year to study in depth the current structure and functions of the agencies of central state administration. He came to the final session of parliament in 2008, and the President of the Council of State again asked to postpone the decision to propose his cabinet, but this time without time limits.

Is there or is there not a government in the nation? Under the Constitution of the Republic, the answer is no. The President of the Council of State must first propose to the National Assembly, once he is elected by it, the members of the Council of Ministers so that parliament can appoint them. This is how the highest executive and administrative body that constitutes the Government of the Republic is formed.

Although the Constitution does not say that the cabinet must be renewed periodically, it is understood that once the head of government is elected, he renews his cabinet. (The process does not prevent the retention of a minister already in office.) The appointment by parliament, in this case, would be the vote of confidence that any administration worthy of respect needs in order to govern.

Laritza Diversent

Translated by Tomás A.

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